In January 2012, a film titled “The Iron Lady” was released in the United Kingdom. The film, in which Oscar-winning actress Meryl Streep stars in the lead role, tells the legendary story of the only female prime minister in British history. It adopts Margaret Hilda Thatcher’s old age as the main line, interspersing her memories of her participation in politics, running for prime minister, the Isle of Man war, stepping down as well as other major historical events. It takes the audience back to Britain in the second half of the 20th century through the eyes of Thatcher.
In fact, the first “Iron Lady” in the world generally refers to Margaret Thatcher, the 49th Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
In 1975, Thatcher became leader of the British Conservative Party and led it back to power in 1979, when she became Prime Minister. In 1990, Thatcher resigned after failing to defeat her party’s rivals. However, her legacy in British politics did not fade.